Online Luxury Pen Sales
The client wanted us to do a market research study the Online luxury pen sales in order to understand the: • Online and offline luxury pen revenue • Five major E-commerce sites with largest luxury pen revenue • Revenue ranking and share of five major E-commerce sites • Online and offline luxury pen user share • List of 20 countries with highest online luxury pen sales
Research findings were delivered as a custom report including: • Online revenue of luxury pens • Offline revenue of luxury pens • Market share of online purchased luxury pen users such as students, professionals, and others • List of five major e-commerce sites with the largest luxury pen revenue, market share, and revenue ranking • List of 20 countries with largest online sales of luxury pens
We used the following secondary and primary sources to gather the required information: Secondary research • Company websites of luxury pen manufacturers • Websites of E-commerce companies • Annul reports and other filings , E-commerce websites, press releases • Domain-specific websites company registries in each country • Articles and blogs, other public and paid secondary sources Primary research • Sales managers • Business development executives • Presidents and vice-presidents • Industry Experts
The client was very satisfied with the report as it met their requirement of understanding the major countries with online luxury pen sales to plan future business strategies.